Palu Vital Importaciones SAC was appointed as the new distributor for Gattefossé, serving the pharmaceutical and cosmetic markets in Perú, Ecuador and Bolivia. Palu Vital has been part of a global network providing ingredients to the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries sectors in the region. The company’s headquarter is located in Lima, Peru. Flosan SA, located in Guatemala, was named as the new distributor partner for Gattefossé ingredients in the Pharma and Cosmetic business, effective January 1, 2015. Flosan SA was founded in 1984 and has been dedicated to the marketing and distribution of ingredients for pharmaceutical, food, veterinary and cosmetic industries in the Republic of Guatemala. The change on the distribution channel is a strategy of Gattefossé Brazil, our subsidiary in charge of the distributor network in South and Central America, which aims to increase proximity to customers in order to promote more effectively our specialty products with technical, regulatory and marketing support. Gattefossé is very pleased with its new partners, Peru is its third largest market in South America and Guatemala is its first step in expanding its global reach into Central America.